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A 24/7 Missionary Church serving S.E. Metro Denver

Holy Week & Easter 

Many thousands have seen the depiction of Christ's last hours in Mel Gibson's movie,
"The Passion of the Christ."

Throughout the Lenten Season (5 weeks prior to Easter) we who have a liturgical tradition of worship
are talking about the events portrayed so vividly there.  Through small group discussions, sermons, and classes
we are considering the meaning of The Passion for us.

Holy Week is the week between Palm Sunday (that marks Jesus' entry into Jerusalem)  and Easter,
when we remember His death and resurrection.  We welcome you to read about the four different services
that we in the Anglican Church in North America are offering during Holy Week.
Each is a reflection and remembrance of different events during that week,
from the last supper on Thurs. evening (Maundy Thursday) through the events of The Passion: 
The trials, the beatings, the crucifixion and burial to the event of the Resurrection on Sunday Morning.
Links and information are included under each service. You are welcome to join us!


Palm Sunday

April 5, 2020

 Our fellowship will be celebrating Palm Sunday, when Jesus made His powerful entry into Jerusalem riding in on a donkey over the coats and palm branches of the adoring crowd. We will begin in our parking lot and process around the building with palm branches, celebrating Jesus arrival in Jerusalem and our 'arrival' at Holy Week.  In Jerusalem Jesus drove out the moneychangers and kicked over the tables of the merchants who sold the sacrificial animals for temple worship. Jesus, after cleansing the temple declared it a house of prayer for all nations, and thus began his teachings amidst the people who were preparing for the Day of Atonement, the Passover Feast, in Jerusalem.

The services will be at 

Resurrection Anglican Fellowship
9250 East Bellleview Ave.
Greenwood Village, CO  80111

8 and 10 A.M.

Maundy Thursday: Footwashing & Communion Service

Thursday, April 7, 2020

We would like to invite you to a Holy Week Maundy Thursday service. This service portrays servant leadership as modeled by Jesus Christ.  On the night before He was tried, He washed his disciple's feet. This is a job that only the lowest of household servants would do,  to clearly demonstrate to those who would lead that they must serve all who follow. We encourage you to be a part of this poignant moment in our Savior's life and come away with a whole new view of what leadership truly is.  The Service of footwashing is accompanied by a Communion remembering the Last Supper, at which this evening is set. 

The service this year will be at 7 p.m.

Resurrection Anglican Fellowship
9250 East Belleview Ave.
Greenwood Village, CO  80111

Good Friday : Stations of the Cross

April 8, 2020 @ 12 Noon & 7 P.M.

You are welcome to join us for our Good Friday Service. Relive Christ's great love for us through his obediently suffering the indignity of a sham trial and the horrific punishment of a Roman crucifixion. Every single torture He endured through his wounds and slow agonizing execution bought our freedom from sin and death. You will not walk away from this service unchanged or unmoved.

Our 12 Noon liturgical celebration of the Stations of the Cross will help us to walk through the last steps of Jesus, as we follow from station to station with the visual's from The Passion of the Christ.  Prepare for the Crucifixion and Death of Jesus in this powerful, visual presentation of the 'stations' he walked from the trial to the hill of Calvary.

At 7 PM we will have a service which is a Reader's Theater piece, called "Were You There:  Voices from around the Cross."   Written by Fr. Phil Eberhart, it is a first-person testimonial of those who Jesus encountered on the way to and during the Crucifixion.  You will hear the (fictional) testimony of Malchus, the guard who got his ear cut off by Peter and who was healed by Jesus! ... of one of the servant girls in the High Priest's courtyard who identified Peter and witnessed his denial of Jesus;... of the Soldier who placed the Crown of Thorns on Jesus' brow; ... of Claudia, the wife of Pilate, who warned him from a dream, not to have anything to do with the "just man." ... of the Thief who repented, on the cross next to Jesus; ... of John, the beloved Disciple and of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and finally, of Joseph of Arimathea, the rich pharisee who "loaned" Jesus his tomb for three days (and subsequently for two thousand years, as a pilgrimage site!)  Come and hear these testimonies of those who "were there" at the Cross.



Easter Services @ REZ

April 11 & 12, 2020

Saturday Evening - Great Vigil of Easter - 9 PM

The first service of Easter is the Great Vigil of Easter. 
It is the oldest service liturgy in church history with roots back to the 2nd century!
Beginning outside the Church in the dark, the new fire is kindled
and the Candle lit for procession, while the Exultet is chanted. 

Light fills the church as candles are lit, as the story of God's People
and His plan of salvation unfold.  Through reading of Scripture and song
we journey with the People of God, throughout the History of Scripture
and come into the full light of the Resurrection, with the ringing
of bells and jangling of keys, and the shout, "The Lord is Risen!  The Lord is Risen Indeed! 
Do not miss this service as we prepare and 
enter into the full celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Easter Sunday Morning Services @ 8 AM and 10 Am

Join with the assembly of the joyous as we celebrate the triumphant resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Feel the intensity of emotion as Mary Magdalene finds the empty tomb that could not hold
the greatest hero the world has ever known.

Find out why the simple words, "He is risen! He is not here." changed the course of humanity forever.  


(Bring an Easter Lilly for the Altar !)